Tag: Feather Quilting

Feather Quilting Gurus
November 23, 2015
I have the privilege of presenting how to draw feathers for free motion quilting at this week’s meeting of the Canberra Modern Quilt Guild.
Over the years, I’ve tried several different methods of both drawing and quilting feathers, and this was heavily influenced by a few particular quilters. I highly recommend checking out their books and blogs if you want to learn more about how to quilt feathers, and for inspiration in general.
Harriet Hargrave
Harriet is one of the pioneers of domestic machine quilting. While she has a very traditional style, her lessons apply to all sorts of machine quilting including feathers.
Her seminal book on the subject Heirloom Machine Quilting: A Comprehensive Guide to Hand-Quilting Effects Using Your Sewing Machine is a must have for any serious quilter, especially if you are like me and love details. Harriet covers pretty much everything you need to know. Even if you are an experienced machine quilter, you should still own this book as a reference.
In it, Harriet covers feather basics, adapting traditional hand quilting designs and techniques into machine quilting, including the “bump back” or “bump bump” method of feather quilting.
She throws down the gauntlet with the ultimate challenge: when backtracking over a previous stitching line, the needle should go into the same holes as the previous line. That shit is HARD CORE!
Diane Gaudynski
Diane is another pioneer of domestic machine quilting, and feathers are her specialty. For me, Diane’s feathers take on an elegance that I have not seen matched by other quilters.
Her feathers are created by forming each feather shape separately, with a teeny gap in between (aiming for 1/8″) and then echoing around the outside to unify the shapes. She covers the method in her book Quilt Savvy: Gaudynski’s Machine Quilting Guidebook. Diane provides some additional feather tips on her blog here.
I’m a big fan of Diane’s method because you don’t have to backtrack over your shapes, eliminating thread build up issues. I used her method on my Star of India quilt to draw/quilt the feathers in the setting triangles of the lone star.
She also extensively covers how to frame your feathers with background fills of various types. This is important as the right fill can make your feathers pop, while the wrong fill can make them disappear into the background.
Wendy Sheppard
Wendy is an incredibly talented quilt designer and machine quilter and the force behind the Ivory Spring blog. Wendy’s quilts perfectly bridge the gap between modern and traditional.
One of the things I love about Wendy is that you can always tell her quilts when you see them in magazines. They are impeccably finished with custom quilting, and not pounded into submission with the dreaded all over meander *shudder*.
When I first started trying to quilt feathers, Wendy’s series Thread Talk from my Sewing Machine provided practical tips, tricks and designs for lots of different kinds of quilting including feathers.
One of her designs that really caught my eye was her pseudo-feathers. Posted as a way to practice making feather shapes, I modified these feathers to stretch down and touch the previous feather shape instead of curling around.
In effect, it combines the simple shape of Wendy’s feathers with the individual feather shape creation and echoing from Diane’s feathers. I like to call them self-echoing feathers.
I found these feathers were quick and easy to quilt and still give the elegant shape of more difficult feathers. I’ve adapted this as my own personal preferred feather style. I first used them for my Modern Wedding Ring quilt.

Final quilting on the border. I learned an important lesson here – matching thread can blend TOO well. I should have used something that would make the feathers show up better.
Angela Walters
Angela is one of the best known modern machine quilters on the scene today. Her blog Quilting is My Therapy is fantastic inspiration for blending the traditional look of feathers into very modern quilts.
Angela also has several books published with her various quilting designs. I’m proud to say I own all of them as they are continually useful resources when I have to figure out the answer to “how am I going to quilt this?” (note that feathers are rarely the wrong answer to this question).
I first saw Angela’s feathers in an issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited. I really loved how she made the feathers look like they “disappeared” behind a block.
I adapted this method in my Forest in the Fog quilt. I also used some of Diane’s fills to make the feathers really pop out.
Do you have a preferred method for quilting feathers? Who is your feather guru? Let me know in the comments.

Forest in the Fog
January 14, 2015
General Info
Start Date | Dec 22, 2014 |
Finish Date | Jan 14, 2015 |
Status | Finished |
Size | 36″ square |
Pattern | My own design |
What it’s for | Gift for my Mother-in-law’s birthday |
Batting | 2 x layers bleached cotton batting |
Quilt Shows
Modern Quilt Show Australia – May 2015
Canberra Quilters Exhibition – August 2015
Quilt Top Notes/Techniques
I made the green block as part of a Canberra Modern Quilt Guild challenge in 2013. My MIL requested a green, gray and white wall hanging for her birthday, so I am expanding on the original block.
Quilting Notes/Techniques
Marked out a feather pattern with gaps in the green/gray areas to make it look like the feathers are behind the colour sections. Added in a variety of fillers.
Progress Pictures

Blue Steel
September 28, 2014
General Info
Start Date | Sep 7, 2014 |
Finish Date | Sep 28, 2014 |
Status | Finished |
Size | 23″ squared |
Pattern | Buzzsaw block from McCalls Quilting Magazine: Pinwheel Pines by JoBeth Simon Nov/Dec 2012. |
What it’s for | For the Braidwood Quilt Event 2014 Blue and White challenge. |
Batting | Matilda’s Own wool |
Shown at Braidwood Quilt Event 2014 Blue and White challenge.
Applied for place in QuiltCon 2015 show, but rejected.
Quilt Top Notes/Techniques
Blues are Michael Miller Cotton Couture. White is Kona Snow.
Very easy block with great secondary pattern.
Used left over scrap strips in binding.
Quilting Notes/Techniques
Feather quilted with Mettler variegated cotton. White is gutterman 50wt cotton. Matilda’s Own 100% Wool batting.
Progress Pictures

Star of India
October 12, 2013
General Info
Start Date | Mar 3, 2012 |
Finish Date | Oct 12, 2013 |
Status | Finished |
Size | 87.5″ square |
Pattern | Star Sapphire by Jinny Beyer |
What it’s for | For me. |
Batting | Matilda’s Own Cotton/Poly hi-loft batting. |
Entered and shown in the 2013 Braidwood Quilt Event.
Won first prize for Contemporary Patchwork and Quilting at the 2014 Royal Canberra Show.
Won 2nd place in Bed Quilts (non-professional) and Excellence in Machine Quilting (domestic) at the Canberra Quilters Exhibition 2014.
Shown at Australian Machine Quilters Festival 2014
Shown at Australasian Quilt Convention 2015 as a “Best of the Best” representing the ACT
Quilt Top Notes/Techniques
Begun in a Lone Star class taught by Sue at Rosemont Patchwork Shop in Tugerranong.
I consider this quilt to be my “thesis”, graduating from a beginning to intermediate quilter.
Quilting Notes/Techniques
Progress Pictures
Pinning the diamond rows together.

Flowers & Feathers
June 7, 2011
General Info
Start Date | Apr 22, 2011 |
Finish Date | Jun 7, 2011 |
Status | Finished |
Size | 25.4″ x 24.5″ |
Pattern | My own design |
What it’s for | Spring wall hanging for Grandma MJ |
Batting | Matilda’s Own 100% cotton batting. |
Quilt Top Notes/Techniques
Wholecloth middle with borders added. Border fabric was from table coverings from Grandma MJ’s 80th birthday celebration.
Quilting Notes/Techniques
Vase, flowers and flourish quilting design by Diane Gaudynski from “October Morning” in Choosing Quilting Designs, Rodale’s Successful Quilting Library, edited by Jane Townswick.
Free motion quilted with Rasant cotton/poly thread. No weight listed, but much thinner than my usual Gutterman 50wt cotton. Feather border hand drawn by me and quilted with Gutterman Sulky 100% cotton 30wt variegated thread.
This time I sprayed the quilt with water to remove the water soluble marker. I didn’t want to soak it again and get the level of shrinkage that I got in “Humble Harvest.” Hopefully no marks will reappear in the future, but will be a good test.
Progress Pictures

Humble Harvest
May 16, 2011
General Info
Start Date | May 1, 2011 |
Finish Date | May 16, 2011 |
Status | Finished |
Size | 24″ x 20″ |
Pattern | My own design |
What it’s for | For me. |
Batting | Matilda’s Own 100% cotton batting. |
Quilt Top Notes/Techniques
Wholecloth plus borders.
Quilting Notes/Techniques
Quilting design based off my own drawing. Machine quilted with Gutterman cotton 50wt thread in matching colors. Used pre-washed homespun and cotton batting, but still got quite a bit of shrinkage after washing. Stippling was too big to contrast with the rest of the design. Still like it though and put it up for Halloween.
Progress Pictures