IKWLTA – A Quilty Twist on IKEA
November 16, 2015
The new IKEA in Canberra opens today and it is a VERY big deal for locals. I’m not one of the 15,000 people showing up for opening day (many of whom are claiming to be “sick” to get off work), but I thought I’d rework some IKEA products to take on a quilty spin or just a more honest name.
Note: this is not an IKEA hack tutorial. There are a metric shit-ton of those already on the web and I’m not touching that!
As most quilters will know – it’s not the size of your fabric stash that’s the problem, it’s the lack of storage. The Billy bookcase takes care of that issue.
I do not have kids, but from what I hear, distractions are a necessary part of getting sewing time in.
Since approximately half the modern quilts ever made use Britten Nummer fabric on the back.
Every sewing room needs a comfy and pretty chair for relaxation and hand sewing. The Poäng is the classic.
I honestly have no idea if SY thread is any good, but at A$2.99 for a four pack, I’m pretty suspicious.
Why yes, of course I hand embroidered that cushion. 😉
I could make these all day, but we’ll leave it there for now.
Do you have any IKEA faves that you use in your sewing room? Tell me in the comments.
LOLL ? I have the billy bookcase and pretty happy with it. Also have the kids distractor but doesn’t distract my almost 4yo anymore! Have the letters backing fabric which I like. I don’t have the rest of the list but an azz rested would be nice!
My Billy actually has books and patterns on it, but I wish I had the bigger one. I too want an Azz Restor.
How much is the fabric hoarder???
The model pictured is A$364, but their bookcases come in a bunch of different sizes. I’m a huge fan of them.
Hanging on the wall behind my cutting and pressing area I have two swing arm towel racks from ikea. They work well for keeping pressed fabric neat till it’s cut and ready to sew.
That is a great idea Diane! I use a clothes drying rack for that purpose sometimes, but it’s bulky and takes up space. Towel racks are perfect for the task and out of the way when you don’t need them.
I use and love a bunch of different IKEA products in my sewing room as well. I’m looking forward to checking out the new store.
Brilliant idea! The back of a chair just doesn’t do it right.
Best post of the YEAR! OMG!!! LOL!!!!! Thank you so much for your wonderful sense of humor!
Hilarious…I am in love with Billy (bookcases that is…) I have six of them in my studio as well as many other handy IKEA aids (the spice jars are great button jars!)
Let’s face it, Billy is a pretty attractive dude. Tall, sturdy and useful. 😉
You are hysterical. I’m glad I found your blog! Thanks Abby.