Quilt Myths

Quilting and Sewing Myths Busted

I pride myself in being a bit of a skeptic, especially when it comes to Random Stuff on the Internet. Yes, I’m that asshole who always links to Snopes when people share obviously bullshit stuff on Facebook.


When it comes to quilting and sewing, there is no shortage of myths, and even bald faced lies. Many people are likely familiar with the de-bunking of common historical quilting myths like the Underground Railroad quilts or that that the Amish purposefully make a mistake on their quilts because only God is perfect (if this is true, I have a complaint to make about my knee joints).

I’m not going to cover the common historical myths, as those have pretty much been addressed exhaustively. However, I’m keen to research more in to the modern myths that still affect quilters today.

Some I have in mind:

  • You must use cotton thread in your quilts
  • Bamboo batting will catch on fire easily
  • Bias binding is the strongest and best option

Are there any other quilt myths you’ve wondered about?

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